Mini Marathon Training Tips: Week 08
Week 8 is the first of our taper weeks reducing the volume of training to ensure a fresh pair of legs come race day. We have now done the major bulk of training and now it’s about peaking at the right time. Our run schedule this week won’t involve any interval training. We will be doing 3 sessions, 2 short runs and one mid-distance run of about 8-10km.

For both levels, our training plan will look like this;
With 2 weeks of training to go before the race followed by race week, we can now merge both plans as you’ve built your fitness and maintenance and recovery is now key. 

Session 1: 6km run at your planned race-day pace per km

Session 2: 7-10km run. A little slower than your normal 10km pace.

Session 3: Recovery run of 5km. Run this slower than both earlier runs in the week.

Session 4: Strength and core – continue circuits as per previous weeks. Recovery time remains the same.These are our 4 sessions for this week leading us into week 9 which will be similar.

In week 9, we will do a recap of the key areas we’ve covered (including nutrition, rehab and stretching, strength work and exercise plan) through the 10 week plan and some final race week preparations.

Good luck in Week 8, we’re nearly there so keep it up guys!

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