Important daily nutrients & vitamins

Most of the recent medical studies on supplements are showing that the absorption of nutrients in multivitamin tablets are extremely low meaning it is more important than ever to make sure we get our all the important daily nutrients through food sources especially when training hard so as to maximise your recovery and health.


1) Vitamin D
Important in Calcium absorption. Sunlight is something we lack in this country so it is important to get our Vitamin D from food sources such as Salmon, Tuna, Eggs, Soy, Pork and Ricotta Cheese.

2) Vitamin C
Important for metabolic repair and wound healing. Great sources include pineapple, strawberries, brusselsprouts, broccoli and bell peppers which are all surprisingly better sources than orange.

3) Vitamin B12
Important in keeping your brain and blood cells healthy. Great sources include fish, meat, poultry, eggs and dairy (yogurt).

4) Calcium
Important in building and keeping bones and teeth strong. Great calcium sources include dark leafy green, soy products and of course dairy.

5) Omega 3Fish Oils
Important in brain function and helping in preventing strokes and heart attacks. Omega 3 Fish oils are something most people could do with having more of. It is recommended that you eat 4 portions of fish per week, one of them oily (Salmon, Fresh Tuna, Mackerel) or if taking a daily supplement, make sure it is high in EPA and DPA.