5 top tips to further your running in the future

1 Make sure to do interval training:

Interval training is a type of discontinuous physical training that involves a series of low to high intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods.
The high intensity periods are typically at or close to anaerobic exercise, while the recovery periods involve activity of lower intensity. Interval training can be described as short periods of work followed by rest. The main aim is to improve speed and cardiovascular fitness which we have been doing all throughout the training plan.

2 Stretch and Foam Roll:
Stretch and foam rolling helps prevent common injuries. One of the most important reasons for a regular foam-rolling routine is to prevent those often too common exercise related injuries. Many runners for example, become painfully well acquainted with their IT band if they don’t take care to massage the band tissue. IT band syndrome and other similar flare ups can be caused by too-tight muscles. Foam rolling every day ensures you are massaging away fascia build-up in your muscles, in order to help prevent those areas from becoming injury trigger points.
Stretch and foam rolling keeps you flexible. Building up your flexibility is key for any fitness routine, which mens you constantly should be stretching and doing exercises that will help you gain flexibility. Stretches that focus on lengthening hip flexors combat tightness from sitting as well as lower back pain.
Stretching has numerous benefits outside of preventing injury. You can live a more comfortable daily life, increase your flexibility and alleviate stress and pain just by doing a few stretches before, after or separate from your workout.

3 Stay lean and don’t over-fuel on those so-called energy foods:
People who run tend to eat foods they feel they deserve rather than foods they need. Stick to your good carbs; sweet potato, oats, rice, fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed high sugar foods like cereal bars, bread, etc. Your body will thank you!


4 Keep up the strength and conditioning work
The strength work makes such a difference. Strenth work mens stronger limbs which results in faster running times and less injuries.

5 Set Big Goals!
Bodybryne advise to set big goals to work towards. You should have something to strive toward. What is your ultimate fitness goal? Don’t stop at 10k. Continue to pursue those goals and living a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Good luck guys, not long to go now!